Eduardo Mena
A Knowledge-Based Approach to Enhance Provision of Location-Based Services in Wireless Environments
Continuous Processing of Real-Time Multimedia Requests Using Semantic Techniques
Cooperative Network of Mobile Agents to Remotely Process User Information Requests
Generic Rules for the Discovery of Subsumption Relationships based on Ontological Contexts
Semantic Reasoning on Mobile Devices: Do Androids Dream of Efficient Reasoners?
Mobile Endpoints: Accessing Dynamic Information from Mobile Devices
Chapter 4: Emerging Semantic-Based Applications
MultiCAMBA: A System for Selecting Camera Views in Live Broadcasting of Sport Events Using a Dynamic 3D Model
The OWL Reasoner Evaluation Goes Mobile
Emergency Management Using SHERLOCK
Real-time Selection of Video Streams for Live TV Broadcasting Based on Query-by-Example Using a 3D Model
SHERLOCK: Semantic Management of Location-Based Services in Wireless Environments
Flexible Access to Services in Smart Cities: Let SHERLOCK Advise Modern Citizens
A Semantic Context-Aware Privacy Model for FaceBlock
Infoboxer: Using Statistical and Semantic Knowledge to Help Create Wikipedia Infoboxes
Semantics for Privacy and Shared Context
Android Went Semantic: Time for Evaluation
FaceBlock: Privacy-Aware Pictures for Google Glass
SHERLOCK: A System for Location-Based Services in Wireless Environments Using Semantics
Android goes Semantic: DL Reasoners on Smartphones
Semantic Management of Moving Objects with SHERLOCK
A Friendly Location-Aware System to Facilitate the Work of Technical Directors When Broadcasting Sport Events
Semantic-Based Query Processing on Moving Objects
MultiCAMBA: A System to Assist in the Broadcasting of Sport Events
Location-Aware System Based on a Dynamic {3D} Model to Help in Live Broadcasting of Sport Events